Public APIs

I have made some APIs that might be useful to amateur radio operators, and they are listed here.
If any of these are particularly useful to you, please contact me so I know that people are using them
All of these are hobby-level and are offered as-is.
Uptime/availability is not guaranteed
Correctness of the content is not guaranteed
If the load becomes too high, any of these might be withdrawn.
If you'd like a more robust version of these, get in touch.

Satellite pass predictor

Stability: ALPHA
Free HTTP API for satellite predictions. JSON, iCal and RSS formats. Offered as a "best effort" resource.
See /public-satellite-pass-rest-api for more information.

STOMP websocket feed

Stability: STABLE
Supplies "real time" websocket feeds of Spots, Skims, PSK reports, WSPR reports and WCY solar weather information.
See /dx-websocket-feed for more information.
Located at https://ws.g7vrd.co.uk/

WSPR reports by Maidenhead grid locator

WARNING: Unversioned - changes could break consumers
GET https://api.g7vrd.co.uk/wspr/IO81 Returns the last 10 minutes WSPR activity for a specific grid square
Probably better to use the Websocket WSPR feed

WSPR reports between two Maidenhead grid locators

WARNING: Unversioned - changes could break consumers
GET https://api.g7vrd.co.uk/wspr/IO81/JO40
Returns the last 10 minutes WSPR activity between two specific grid squares

Bandstats by Maidenhead grid locator

WARNING: Unversioned - changes could break consumers
GET https://api.g7vrd.co.uk/bandstats/IO81
Mainly intended to supply the data for https://g7vrd.co.uk/bandstats/IO81.
However, it might be useful to someone else

Bandstats between two Maidenhead grid locators

WARNING: Unversioned - changes could break consumers
GET https://api.g7vrd.co.uk/bandstats/IO81/JO90

Maidenhead locator by callsign

Stability: BETA - may change
GET https://api.g7vrd.co.uk/v1/locators/by-callsign/G7VRD,W1JT
Takes a comma-separated list of callsigns.
Returns a map of locators by callsigns
NOTE: The data is automatically collected, and thus may contain bad information.

DXCC to Maidenhead grid locator

Stability: ALPHA - very likely to change
GET https://api.g7vrd.co.uk/v1/locators/by-dxcc/England
Returns a list of Maidenhead locators, ordered by frequency
TODO: This needs to be reworked to refer to DXCC entities
NOTE: The data is automatically collected, and thus is quite messy, often containing bad information.

Maidenhead grid locator to DXCC

Stability: ALPHA - very likely to change
GET https://api.g7vrd.co.uk/v1/dxcc/by-locator/IO81
Returns a list of DXCC entities and percentage of entries, ordered by percentage

Maidenhead grid locator to lat,lon

Stability: ALPHA - very likely to change
GET https://api.g7vrd.co.uk/v1/maidenhead-to-lat-lon/IO91wm41pw
Returns the lat,lon for the Maidenhead grid locator

lat,lon to Maidenhead grid locator

Stability: ALPHA - very likely to change
GET https://api.g7vrd.co.uk/v1/lat-lon-to-maidenhead/51.508046,-0.128070
Returns the Maidenhead grid locator for the lat,lon

WSPR reports by Maidenhead grid locator

Stability: ALPHA - very likely to change
GET https://api.g7vrd.co.uk/v1/wsprs?since=2001-01-01T10:00:00Z&source=IO81
GET https://api.g7vrd.co.uk/v1/wsprs?since=2001-01-01T10:00:00Z&remote=IO81
This doesn't seem to return any data at the moment. Maybe the websocket feed has surpassed it?